What Would You Tell Your “Year-Ago-Self”?

To my favorite people on this earth, this post is for you. For the mommas and dads, the caregivers, the extended families, the close friends, the everybody in this community… read through. I hope you can find value in this as much as I have. Reflection is an essential piece of existence. If you don’t…

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A Sibshops Special Update: Thank you for valuing Sibshops. Thank you for valuing Sibs.


Hi there! If you’re reading this I’m assuming you are a parent who has a child in the Sibshops program, someone who supports the Sibshops program, or a parent who is considering the Sibshops program for their child. Or maybe you are none of those things! Regardless of your positionally to the Sibshops program, I…

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Sibling Needs Support: Part II

Virtual Sibshops

So in our first part to this duo blog, we discussed the challenges that we hear our sibs face, including fear, the need to be perfect, and frustration. However, alongside the unique challenges the sibs face, they also get to experience unique opportunities. This was also an aspect that was discussed in my two day…

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Siblings Need Support Too: Part I

Virtual Sibshops

I’ve decided to do a two part series for our blog…mostly because this topic is something that is super important to Breakthrough and needed throughout the community. We need to have the discussion about the very special younger (or older) humans that grow up alongside the child with special needs. Having a child with special…

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One Year Ago…

We have spoken with tons of parents over the course of this past year. I’ve been privileged to get to know you all a little better and see the ups and downs of parenting a special needs child. We know that some days are better than others but one thing stands true… you grow from…

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Do You Want To Understand What It Is Like?

Lonely Road

Throughout the years I have been working with special needs families, one thing has always remained consistent; They are treated differently. I have heard countless stories of struggles parents face, but also some really amazing stories too. I recently had a conversation of a mother of a child I work with. We were talking about…

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Proof that Parents Need Support

Support Group

Just this month, an article came out about parent experiences in transitions for their child with Cerebral Palsy. I read through the article full of parent experiences when transitioning their child to developmental/rehab services. This article is specific to parents with children with Cerebral Palsy, however this can relate to all parents of special needs…

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