Run to Break Through – The Perfect Day


It was July of 2020. I had just read an article about Ryan Clifford who ran across Long Island to the Brooklyn Bridge and thought about how incredible of an achievement that is. Inspired by the stories of Dick Hoyt competing in races with his son Rick, I envisioned myself running while wheeling clients of…

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What You May Not Have Known About


Recently I was having a conversation with a parent about stretching. Her son has Spastic Quadriplegic CP and is really tight pretty much everywhere, but more specifically his hamstrings (back of his thigh muscles) and adductors (inside thigh muscles) of his legs. So mom wanted to know why his legs seem looser after PT but…

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What It Means To Have A “Weak Core”

Weak Core

Parents of children with movement difficulties – no matter the diagnosis – are often told by doctors, therapists, and other health professionals that their child has “a weak core”. Okay so they can’t do a sit up or they have weak abdominals…but that’s not really all that goes into a “weak core” or poor posture.…

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5 Benefits of Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training (Even If Your Child “Can’t Walk”)

Child on treadmill

Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training (BWSTT) is a long fancy name for walking on a treadmill with support. “Body weight supported” is usually done with the help of certain types of equipment (i.e Universal exercise unit, gait trainer, etc.) Here specifically, are the things I have seen it help with firsthand. Improved Endurance: Ahhh yes,…

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How Does Riding a Bike Help Developmental Skills?

Child Riding Bike

Recently in the clinic I was asking a parent if her daughter has ever ridden an adaptive bicycle. She said she wasn’t sure but that she probably did in school. She then asked, “what kinds of things would that help her with anyway?” “So, I figured I’d answer it for all of you who may…

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A Can Of Soda – And How It Relates To Posture and Breathing

Soda Pop

Do you have a child that has poor posture? Difficulty swallowing? Difficulty with bowel/bladder excretions? This concept I am about to explain will actually relate our BREATHING to all of these different issues. You may be saying… “How on earth is a can of soda related to breathing or posture?!” I was thinking the same…

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The Harmful Effects of Stress and What You Can Do About It

It is a known fact parenting is stressful, but parenting a child with special needs that may or may not have siblings also, DEFINES stress! I see it every single day with the parents that come into the facility. You are managing doctors visits, therapy visits, school issues, fighting insurance companies, making sure they get…

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What You May Not Know about Your Child’s Diet!

Child's Diet

You already know your child does not have a typically functioning nervous system. What you may not know is that a poor diet filled with unhealthy processed foods and tons of sugars only inhibits your child’s nervous system. That’s right…it actually goes down to the cellular level. It is especially important to implement a healthy…

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