Do You Want To Understand What It Is Like?

Throughout the years I have been working with special needs families, one thing has always remained consistent; They are treated differently. I have heard countless stories of struggles parents face, but also some really amazing stories too. I recently had a conversation of a mother of a child I work with. We were talking about…
Proof that Parents Need Support

Just this month, an article came out about parent experiences in transitions for their child with Cerebral Palsy. I read through the article full of parent experiences when transitioning their child to developmental/rehab services. This article is specific to parents with children with Cerebral Palsy, however this can relate to all parents of special needs…
The Harmful Effects of Stress and What You Can Do About It

It is a known fact parenting is stressful, but parenting a child with special needs that may or may not have siblings also, DEFINES stress! I see it every single day with the parents that come into the facility. You are managing doctors visits, therapy visits, school issues, fighting insurance companies, making sure they get…