Group Classes Long Island
For children and adults to improve overall fitness, independence, instill confidence, & promote positive peer interactions, to improve the quality of their lives!
Small Group Classes with Individualized Attention Open to the Public and All Abilities
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Individualized Attention to Achieve Their Goals
We hear from parents all across Long Island that they struggle finding a class to fit the needs of their child and they are searching for programs to help their child be their best self. So many children and adults struggle keeping up with their peers, have difficulty in social situations and lack motivation for physical activity. Many parents just want their child to lead a healthier lifestyle.
That’s exactly why we’ve created these structured small group programs.
One hour class designed to improve strength, flexibility, endurance, and overall fitness to improve independence and quality of life. Our bootcamp style class will challenge your child to participate in new exercises and routines to help them learn. It will include balance activities, strengthening, endurance activities, and more! This group exercise setting promotes positive peer social interactions all while having fun! Open to all abilities!
Support From A Great Community
Whether you are dropping your child off, sitting in on the class, or working with your child during the class, you will be surrounded by parents JUST LIKE YOU; Parents that just want more for their child and to help them be as independent as possible.
Ready for this? If your child attends our classes, you will get access to a private Facebook community of parents in our group classes, to create lasting friendships and connections with each other! Whether you’re sharing information about last week’s class or asking for resources you need for your child, you will get to be part of this amazing community!
Improve Their Independence, Boost Their Energy, AND Improve Their Confidence
Our programs were specifically designed based around the needs of the community. Let’s face it, many children and adults are sedentary most of their days - whether they are wheelchair bound or focused on their ipads - we hear from concerned parents all of the time; Who want their children to be more active, have more opportunities to engage with peers, and be the very best version of themselves!
This program is an inclusive program for any child or adult wanting to improve their personal fitness and peer interactions.
Group Classes At Breakthrough Are Perfect For You If:
- Have tried group programs before but found them unsuccessful or weren’t sure they were the best fit for the needs of your child
- Want your child to engage more with their peers while doing something healthy and GOOD for them
- Want to improve your child’s confidence with daily activities and interactions with peers
- Want your child to be the best version of themselves and as independent as possible
- Know your child needs more but aren’t sure where to start
If any of this sounds like you - take this opportunity to apply for a trial spot. We’ll have someone reach out to you and see if you qualify for one of our spots!
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Or, If You Just Want More Information, Why Not Download Our Free Guide?...
“Fill Out the Form to Get Your Free Guide That Answers All the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Group Classes at Breakthrough”
“Fill Out the Form to Get Your Free Guide That Answers All the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Group Classes at Breakthrough”
Here's What One Parent Said About Group Classes at Breakthrough...

Can you describe what things were like when your son/daughter first started working with Breakthrough? (i.e. why were you seeking group fitness, what were you most concerned with, what did you feel he/she could do but wasn’t)
Robert is very hard on himself and has a hard time handling failure. He has a hard time maintaining focus. I wanted to find a supportive group where he could have a safe space to build confidence.
He also expressed an interest in attending organized sporting clubs or groups but would often get overwhelmed when someone performed better than him or frighten children with his aggressiveness. He struggles socially-emotionally in school but really enjoys physical education class. I wanted to find a space where he could work on personal growth rather than comparing himself to others while also ensuring his peers are safe.
When we first met with the Breakthrough team, we set goals for Robert and received follow-up calls to review and revisit goals. We have never been part of any sport team that sets goals and has clear objectives for individual growth. Most are just set up for children to have fun in a casual setting. Breakthrough offers an overt goal of physical fitness for the participants while also working on the personalized covert goals that were developed early on for each individual with the team.
If I remember correctly, our first goals were to get through class without being hard on himself. We are progressing well with that goal.
Friendship and working on dialogue with peers was another goal and he is also progressing well with that one.
What improvements have you been able to see and feel as a result of working with Breakthrough?
Robert thrives in the small group setting. He enjoys attending and even with challenging activities, he perseveres. I overhear him in class grunting or saying he can't do something and his coach encourages him and they both continue on. When faced with adversity, he often responds with self-aggression at school and other settings with peers. In Breakthrough class, he pushes through his challenges and has a positive outlet for his aggressive feelings and has consistently made safe choices.
This is the first activity he hasn't lost interest in and enjoys attending. It is great to see him bring pushed a bit out of his comfort zone while also enjoying the experience. The breakthrough team has also worked to find a great group that is a perfect match for him. All the groups he has been part of are great and we would drop in to any class, but this group is a perfect match on ability, effort and also personality.
What impact has it had on your life and your son/daughter’s life and confidence?
Robert continues to struggle with handling failure and challenges in his personal life. We are able to leverage the experiences in his Breakthrough class to find ways to get the energy or feelings of anxiety out in a safe way. At home he will often run around the yard, move around or practice the moves he works on in class as a way to calm down or distract himself from a challenging situation.
What do you love more about visiting our office and working with Breakthrough PT?
Robert likes when I'm around him and prefers for me to be part of activities whenever possible. The design of the class gives him (and me) a bit of independence while also allowing him to check-in and give a thumbs-up through the window whenever he needs that connection. I'm able to connect with other families who have similar experiences while our children are participating in class.
Most activities we have been part of in the past required me to be hands-on because of distractions or the need for redirection that couldn't be addressed in a group setting. This isn't necessary because of the design of small groups.
Everyone in the office is incredibly kind and it is obvious that this is a very family-centered practice, based on all of the posted information as well as the awesome way we are greeted and treated from all members of the practice.
If someone was on the fence about working with us - what do you think would make them feel more confidence about giving us a try?
We've tried a handful of community sport/athletic groups and groups for children. In all of those situations, we have had good experiences but Robert was overwhelmed by the noise, distractions and we would often leave in tears. I was first nervous about the cost of the Breakthrough group, well beyond what I'd expected--- but the team was flexible on letting us drop-in as needed to meet our budget.
After a few sessions, we saw the success and decided to figure out a way to make this work. The value this class brings: He is pretty much receiving the attention of a personal trainer who is invested in developing goals and supporting him in his growth. He likes being there and looks forward to working on his physical fitness. While other group activities might be cheaper, the quality and personalized attention is worth the value.
Anything else you want to add or want people to know?
Robert's Coach (Caitlin) is positive, dedicated and hard-working. She gets right in there with the participants and is consistently positively reinforcing the effort as well as the kind habits that all of the children display. She is able to design an experience for the participants (and my easily-distracted child) to keep them active and engaged for a whole hour.
My child does not attend physical therapy appointments. I think it is important to note this because when I first heard about the class, I thought that since this class was offered through a Physical Therapy team, that my child was supposed to have a PT need--- and this wasn't really a class we were supposed to be in. I think it is important for parents to know that because the class is offered by physical therapists, they have a greater understanding of how to set goals and work on achieving those goals in a fun and unique way--- and your child doesn't need to have PT needs to be part of this community.
Debra, Mother of Robert (7 years old)
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