Interviewee: Mom, Monica

Son: Matt. He is 13 years old and has a 15 year old sibling with Autism.

Could you please tell us about your family and specifically your child that attends Sibshops?

My son Matt attends sibshops. He is 13 years old and has a 15 year old sibling with Autism.

What made you motivated to get your child involved in Sibshops?

I really wanted Matt to understand that he is not alone in this journey of having a special needs sibling. I thought he was starting to feel like no other kids experience some of the things that he experiences day to day. I also wanted him to have a place where he can share his feelings and hear those of others going through it.

How do you feel its made an impact on their life?

He really enjoys sibshops. He immediately connected after the first session and became part of the text group chat. I think that the exercises that are conducted at the sessions really get him thinking about his feelings on a higher level.

Whats your favorite part about having your child involved in Sibshops? 

Connection with other children who also experience what it is like to have a “different” family.

If someone was unsure about trying out Sibshops, what would you like them to know? 

Their child will love it!

Is there anything else youd like to add? 

Thank you Christine for your dedication and passion to helping siblings of special needs.